The Legacy and the Rebirth of Modern Radio

20 January, 2017 09:16

There is a time where radio is called as Pesawat Radio (Radio Receiver) and it is a common term used by people as radio broadcast transports messages in forms of news or entertainment. Radio broadcast connects and brings those who are separated by distance closer. Through the transmission of radio wave, radio is able to send the voice of people who give information, knowledge and hope, making his or her presence materialized in people mind. The technology of radio is one of miracles created by mankind by understanding the principle of radio wave that is transmitted through space. The same principle becomes a foundation for communication technology that is advanced with the invention of satelite technology. Pesawat Radio, in the other hand, is a tool whose function is to receive radio wave from transmitter. The history of Pesawat Radio development shows two important facts. First, the invention of radio is possible due to the creation of transistor and the development of knowledge and technology that support transmission system, making the discovery of radio waves is able to be conducted. Technology advancement also improves radio technology, from analog signal to digital one. Second, development of Pesawat Radio also changes the way the design of the radio, changing its aesthetic appeal in each period of time. The design of radio is revolutionalized with new invention in science, technology and aesthetic appeal.

Developing radio technology is conducted to improve radio capability and its power in receiving transmission. Improving the aesthetic appeal of radio design, in the other hand, is an embodiment of mankind admiration for the invention of the technology. Radio designs represent the euphoria of certain time period, emphasizing that each period of time has their own unique radio design. Therefore, radio is not only just a succesful invention, but it is also a life-changing technology that changes the way we perceive our experiences in life, making it an embodiment of mankind achievement. Radio broadcast is an important piece of history in people life as it becomes living proof of various events that change their life. It also succeed in uniting various hopes and dreams, fulfilling people needs of knowledge and entertainment.

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